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Monday, May 12, 2008

The beginning...

I LOVE taking photos!

When Sky was born I felt the need to immediately go out and buy a digital camera so that I could take a biZillion pictures of her. I thought she was the cutest thing in the whole world and I needed to capture EVERY possible facial expression. In the beginning, when I just had Sky, I would take her to Kiddie Kandid on a regular basis to to capture ALL of the milestones. Now that I have three kids, and lack of a million dollars, I skip past the milestones that I had previously found ABSOLUTELY necessary. So when I discovered the unbelievable talent of Carin Davis I hired her on the spot. I saw that I could afford her to come and do several sessions with my family and most important, new little Brooke. Just the idea of not having to wait an hour walking the mall while I waited for Kiddie Kandid to be ready for me was really exciting. So after a few photo shoots with Carin, I found out more about her and how she started her professional photography business. She was like me, she had little kids and she wanted pictures of them ALL THE TIME. She was given a nice Cannon Rebel not too long ago and has since developed into the incredible photographer that she is. I had made it known to her that I wish she could follow my family around all the time and take their pictures. Knowing this she called me up to tell me she was going to be teaching an all day class on how to use a digital SLR camera. She wanted to know if I was interested. The timing of a few things seemed to be perfect, so I said yes! This is just the BEGINNING. With the guidance of Carin, I purchased a camera and I have signed up for her class. I plan to show you my learning process through pictures.

1 comment:

Bird Brain #3 said...

SOOOOOOO happy to have found your blog! I too am taking Carin's photo workshop (tho it's not till march!) i can hardly WAIT! Your first post is EXACTLY what I would say! maybe I should start a new blog as well, so I can track my progress as you have. You're already SOOO good!! GREAT pics.