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Monday, May 12, 2008

My first attempt...

Today was Sky's Spring Sing at Challenger. I was determined to take the pictures in manual mode. I was faced with the challenge of being indoors. I didn't want to bail and turn it to automatic which I knew would kick on the flash. I wanted to see what I could come up with. The first few pictures... blurry. I kept trying. I didn't get the most fantastic pictures, but I am proud of the fact that I went for it. I got one that is okay. There are some things that I did right and other things I did wrong. I know I need to invest in a nicer lens and that will help. In the meantime and working with what I have, I found that I have "catch lights" in this picture. Whoo-hoo, I didn't even know what that was until Saturday. My goal was just to be able to adjust the fstop, shutter speed and ISO so that my line was centered. Not that you were wondering, but yes that is brownie still on her face from BREAKFAST! I am so the worst parent in the world but because we were late and running out the door, I let her have one. :)

1 comment:

Carin Davis said...

I am so proud of you!!!
The exposure looks perfect!!!!!
You did it!!!

Before you know it- it will be second nature to you!