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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First attempt...

Carin Davis offered up a challenge/task on her blog for others to try, so somewhat willingly I went for it.  She posted this amazing picture of her little girl just out of the bath, clean and calm and wrapped up in her towel.  She focused in on her eyelashes that were still wet and it was beautiful.  She challenged others to take an "eyelash" photo and post it.  So excited to have something to capture, I took my camera to the pool.  I knew that if I could just get above Brooke, I could get an "eyelash" photo cause she has amazing eyelashes.  Problem is that ME, the still new at this manual thing, didn't check the ISO setting before shooting a bunch of photos.  It doesn't look so great at 1600 out in the broad daylight.  LAME!  So this was my first attempt, and the second (either tonight after baths or next week at the pool) will be much better!  I will be sure to make sure the ISO is on a reasonable setting for the lighting situation.  So this is grainey but however since I want to document my journey... I must post my mistakes as well as my treasures!

1 comment:

Carin Davis said...

Yay!!!!! Thank you for participating!!! Brooke does have BEAUTIFUL eyelashes!!!! I love this image- and I can't see a bit of grain! I do look forward to more too! If you post them- please link it again!!!